Sunday, November 22, 2020

Bonnie is ONE!


Bonnie is officially one year old!! I can't even believe it. We had a great day celebrating this girl with family, which I'll share more on later. She is 18 pounds, 6.5 ounces (27th percentile) and 30 inches long (78th percentile). She now has 6 teeth, and 2 more coming in. She is still taking two naps a day for about 1.5 hours each, and sleeps from 7 PM to 7 or 7:30 AM.

She has come a long way with her communication skills this month. She now tries to imitate sounds and motions from us. She makes all kinds of sounds, but still isn't saying a lot of words yet. She can say dada, mama, hi, woah, and other things that sound like words but we don't actually thinks she knows what they mean yet. She has started signing "all done" which is mostly just waving her arms up and down. And when we point at something, she now looks where we point.

We have been working on getting Bonnie to clap. She still isn't there yet but has at least started waving one of her arms back and forth, now we just need the other one to do the same so they can meet in the middle. She has started shaking her head back and forth as if to say "no" but again, we don't think she knows what it means. It actually came about from dancing. She loves to dance when she hears music and sometimes shaking her head is one of her moves. She isn't walking yet, but can stand unassisted for a few seconds every once in a while. She has also learned to climb the stairs, so a baby gate is the newest fixture in our home.

It's been fun to reminisce over her birth and where we were a year ago. We can now look back on that time and realize what an incredible story she has and what a bonding experience it was for us. I am so proud and just so incredibly grateful for this girl. Being parents to her is so much more than we ever imagined it would be. Keep on smiling and spreading your joy Bonnie Jean-Marie!

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