Sunday, November 15, 2020

Bonnie's dedication

Last week at church we had Bonnie dedicated! She was the first baby to be dedicated since everything was moved outside for Covid. We were waiting to see if things were ever going to get back to normal but with no end in site, we didn't want to wait any longer. It couldn't of been a more beautiful day!

When we went up on stage Ben and Rosie came too, it was so sweet!


Bonnie did a great job. She wiggled around quite a bit but never cried so we're calling it a win.

Sadly we didn't get a group photo with family or small group, but it was so special to get to celebrate with family and friends!

1 comment:

  1. It was so nice to watch the dedication online! Bonnie did so good. What a cutie! Love that the church was able to make it happen during these Covid times. I love that last picture of your family!
