Friday, October 29, 2021

Grammy and Opa visit!

We had the privilege of our grandparents coming all the way out from Texas to visit us this past week! It was an absolutely wonderful time visiting with them. 

I'm sure it was a little chaotic at times, but the kids were so energized and excited to have them around.

We took lots of walks, and enjoyed many delicious meals at Katie's house (some pictures compliments of her).

Uncle Benny was able to entertain all the kiddos one night so the rest of us could get a card game in.

Everyone made the drive out to our house one day for dinner and a boat ride. It was so nice they were able to see where we live in person. 

Makes my heart so full to have all these people together.

We went to the playground one day.

We even took a walk down to the marina for a potluck dinner overlooking the sunset.

The kids got to enjoy a hayride.

The sunset was beautiful.

The next morning Bonnie and I got to spend a little bit more time with them before they had to take off.

It was such a great visit - thank you so much for making the effort to come out! We love you so very much!