Friday, April 15, 2022

Grandparents Visit

Last week Benny's parents came to meet their first and only grandson! They hadn't been to Virginia since Bonnie was a newborn over two years ago, so the trip was long overdue. It was a wonderful week, full of much of the same newborn things like hanging around the house, playing with Bonnie, going to the park, and taking walks. It was fun to get to show them around our house and neighborhood since they haven't been here since we moved. 

Bonnie also warmed up to them fairly quickly which was wonderful. I love that our family has been able to give her so much attention while we establish a bond with our newest member and adjust to his needs. 

And now, enjoy another photo dump:

Riser meeting the man he gets his middle name from.

B's grandma 'Baga' pushing her on the swing:

Eric pushing her on the swing: 

His first football.

This girl loves holding her brother.

These guys were two peas in a pod.

We took a walk in Colonial Williamsburg one day and saw these baby lambs that were only three days old!

It was nice because I would go to bed before everyone else so I got to spend some one-on-one bonding time with my little man. 

I can't believe my little girl used to be SO tiny in this seat!

Siblings <3 

They got to come see our neighborhood Easter egg hunt over the weekend. It was much smaller than the year before, but still very sweet and fun.