Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Bonnie's 2.5 year update

Bonnie had her two and a half year check-up recently. She is 27 pounds (29th percentile) and 36 inches tall (62nd percentile). She still has 16 teeth, still waiting on her two year molars to pop up. She still has very curly hair and she just discovered her first freckle!

Bonnie has met some major milestones since she turned two. Pretty soon after her birthday she completely chewed through her pacifier so we got rid of it. She also began potty training in January and took to it very quickly! She still wears a diaper at night but does well throughout the day. And of course the biggest milestone was graduating to big sister! She loves her little brother and is always willing to help bring me the wipes, throw diapers away or put a pacifier in his mouth.

Our girl has adjusted so well to having a new family member. Only recently has she shown any type of real regression. Going to sleep at night has become pretty difficult for her, but we are working hard on finding ways to get through it. She still takes a nap in the afternoon for about 1.5 hours. Another regression has been drop offs at childcare. She is back to having a very hard time when I leave her, even though she always ends up having a good time. 

Her vocabulary continues to expand. She talks our ears off all day every day (although you wouldn't know it by how reserved she is outside our house). We are constantly impressed with how much she knows and understands. She can sing her ABCs, can spell her name (verbally) and has gotten much better at expressing how she feels. Earlier today she told me "It's frustrating a little bit mommy" when she was having a hard time putting on her shoes. 

Overall our little Birdy is such a sweet girl and brings us so much joy. She is learning and growing so much! We are so very proud of her.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Love her vocabulary, frustrating?? I love how when I ask her if she wanted to do something she will say, "I'm good!"
