Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Riser is 3 months old

Our sweet little guy is now 3 months old! He has always eaten well and is growing like a weed. He is in 3-6 month clothing, but I'm sure 6-9 months is right around the corner. Right after he turned 2 months, he began sleeping through the night from 7pm to 7/7:30am. He is now fully sleeping in his room in his crib for bedtime and for his afternoon nap. He still naps wherever/whenever in the morning and has been a very flexible sleeper so far. Riser is truly a dream baby, I cannot get enough of him. 

Another exciting milestone this month is he started laughing! It still takes some coaxing but it is the sweetest sound when we get him going. Don't let the photo below fool you - he has the biggest smile. Unfortunately this month also came with his first cold/sickness and he is still recovering.  He likes the pacifier but has a hard time keeping it in, and has started finding his thumb instead. He absolutely loves bath time and laying on a blanket or in the bouncer outside. We are working on being more intentional about tummy time. He has great neck control but doesn't look like he's anywhere near rolling over yet.