Thursday, September 29, 2022

August extras

This post is obviously very delayed. September just flew right by for us, which we anticipated. Eric's parents flew out from San Antonio and his sister flew out from San Diego to surprise him for his 40th birthday (a post will be coming on that shortly). Eric went out of town for work, and all of our structured activities started back up for the Fall. 

Given the craziness of this past month, I haven't posted much of anything and never even got around to posting our August extras. So without further ado:

Riser has been enjoying his jumper.

We all like to join Riser for tummy time sometimes.

We've been enjoying ice cream in the heat of the Summer.

Bonnie's personality is really starting to shine, becoming sillier by the day.

Riser has enjoyed broadening his palate. 

We got in one last trip to Water Country.

Bonnie now loves taking 'walks in the woods' with me and has completed a couple solid 2 mile hikes.

We are big into climbing these days.

I can't stand it.

We had Riser's 4 month well-check (almost a month late).

Baba (Benny's dad) sends the kids Highlights magazine.

We've had lots of mornings at the park.

We got to see Mom and Dave's new house - wish they were living here already!

And had a little celebration for Eleanor's birthday. 

Mom brought us a stuffed monkey from her house that she thought we left after a visit. Turns out it's Riser's new best friend. He doesn't sleep without it.

We went to Bonnie's little buddy's birthday party in our neighborhood, the same little boy we get most of Riser's clothes from.

When the library doesn't have the stool available...

We try and take family walks when Benny is off work.

I mean. Really.

We almost always take a post-nap/pre-dinner family golf cart ride in the afternoon.

That's a wrap for August! Now to catch up on September..!


  1. Adorable pictures!!! You do have fun around there. Love Bonnie's silly side the the great step stool at the library:)
