Thursday, September 22, 2022

Riser is 6 months old

Our sweet Riser is 6 months old! His 6 month checkup is next week so I will update this post with his stats then. I believe he is around 16 pounds. 

He has now tried most of the main fruits/vegetables and we will move onto eggs/nuts/meat/etc. after his next check up. So far he seems to like most of what he tries, but doesn't ingest nearly as much if it's not pureed. He is still drooling a ton and still no teeth to report. 

Riser continues to do wonderfully with sleep. He did regress a little bit with his night feedings (now up 1-2 times a night) but he is a dream at going down and getting back to sleep after waking up. He usually goes to bed between 6:30-7 and wakes up around 7-7:15. He also takes around three naps a day. Two of them are very sporadic depending on what we're doing that day, but one of them is still consistently in his crib in the afternoon while his sister is sleeping. The afternoon nap is around 2 hours or more, sometimes we have to wake him up depending on what we have planned that afternoon. He also has absolutely fallen in love with this monkey my mom brought him from her house, he is always snuggling it when he sleeps or playing with it when he wakes up. 

Riser is practicing sitting but is not stable at all yet. He recently has started getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth, so we know crawling will be in his near future. He has been going to childcare at church more often and has had no issues. The only thing we can tell he doesn't really like is loud or unexpected noises like sneezing. He seems to startle or get scared easily. He really doesn't like Blippi (a show Bonnie has tried watching) and cries every time we turn it on. This little boy continues to be a dream who completely melts our hearts.

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