Tuesday, June 13, 2023

May extras

May was full of activities coming to an end, various visitors, welcoming summer, and lots of time outside. Most of these pictures don't really need much explanation, just want to have them captured somewhere. 

Girls night bowling for a friend's birthday. 

Lots of beautiful walks.

And digging - we still really love digging. We keep a bucket and shovel in the back of the car wherever we go.

Grandma came down - twice!

The Conrads came to visit, which was so special having us all together again.

Beach season is upon us.

Making her morning coffee with lemon.

Officially got the boat in the water.

Lots and lots of picnics. In the backyard, on walks, at parks.

Who says you can't read and play at the same time?

Our snuggler.

Riser went on his first rides - Elmo's Squire and Oscar's Whirly Worms (since then Aunt Katie has also taken him on the teacups and Elephant Run). 

I think the lady next to him was so nervous for him because she kept her hand on his foot the whole time. She was very sweet. 

At my last MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) meeting, the kids came in and sang us the songs they had been working on all year. It was so sweet to watch.

And we said goodbye to some of our sweet sweet friends for the summer. 

My cousins Jesse and Rachel came to visit.

All the grandkids loved exploring Mom and Dave's new van.

We went to visit mom and Dave's camp site one day.

All the water activities have been brought out for the season.

This boy can sleep anywhere.

Playing in the creek.

We went to Yorktown Beach on Memorial Day weekend.

We've had some good puddles to splash in, and rain to play in.

We had a really last minute cook out for some neighbors on Memorial Day.

Bonnie was overheard telling her friend Victor that they were now married and she gave him a rock (an actual rock) to put on her finger.

We had a cookout with our small group to finish out the season until Fall. Unfortunately it was raining so it was moved indoors.

We've obviously had lots of cousin time, as usual. The greatest perk of living here. 

Summertime is officially here!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic pictures as usual. It was a fun to get down there twice!
