Thursday, March 21, 2024

Riser is TWO!

Our sweet baby boy is two years old. It is wonderful and heartbreaking all at the same time. He is 26 lb 14.4 oz (36th percentile) and 34.5" (62nd percentile). He still sleeps like a champ. He and his sister have been sharing a room for almost the past 6 months and they love it. We do still separate him during his naptime though to make sure he can sleep since Bonnie is usually playing in their room during that time.

Riser is talking so much more, he can usually tell us whatever he wants/needs. Often times if we don't understand something he says after multiple times of trying to ask him, Bonnie will matter-of-factly pipe up from across the room and translate for us. It's as if she's been listening the whole time, all the while knowing what Riser is saying, but letting us struggle for a bit for her own amusement. She is never wrong, and it leaves Eric and I staring at each other in awe and disbelief every time it happens. Some of the words he says right now that I don't want to forget: shoot (shoes), bike (bite), die (strawberry), opit (open it), gaghnn (water), gook (look).

Currently he is really into throwing and kicking a ball, climbing, anything Spidey, singing and dancing, cars, golf cart rides, and bath time. He absolutely loves being around people and doesn't seem to know a stranger. He does not like being cold, his sleeves or pant legs bunched up, or when someone is doing something he isn't able to do yet. 

Our dream baby is growing into a very physical little boy with strong opinions that he is not afraid to share. He is physical in all the best and not-so-great ways. He loves to snuggle and hug and be in the middle of whatever is going on. But he also thinks hitting or pushing is part of play so we are trying to move him through that phase as quick as we can. Still working on it. His older sister was our more challenging baby, but he is proving to be our more challenging toddler. He has so much personality - silly, loud, rambunctious, charismatic, loving, loud, playful, mischievous, sweet, loud (to name a few), and we love every bit of it. He makes us laugh all the time and adds so much color to our family!