Friday, May 31, 2024

Memorial Day weekend

After a mild season so far, the weather this Memorial Day weekend really warmed up and made for the perfect beach days. It actually felt like Summertime was upon us. We spent most days at the beach with lots of neighbors, Eric's good friend came to visit from VA Beach, we grilled out, and fished. Our neighborhood even had a concert on Saturday and Sunday night.

This Memorial Day we want to honor those who have given their lives for us. This one has hit especially close to home, as Eric has lost two of his dear Army brothers within the last 7 months. Both of whom were standing up with us at our wedding. In October he lost one of his best friends from college and the Army, Green Beret Special Forces soldier Matt Andrews. 

And on the 17th of this month, we lost Army combat veteran Mark Woods. He was Eric's team leader in Iraq and officiated our wedding.  He served his local veteran community in multiple capacities, the city of New York as an NYPD detective, and was a member of the Clarkstown Town Council. 

I am so thankful for their service and their roles in Eric's life. They are greatly missed. 

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