Friday, March 30, 2018

Watching the Sunset

One day this week Eric and I both came home from work after a very long, mundane day feeling very under-stimulated. Usually we have a little more variety to our work days, but on this particular day we had both been staring at a computer screen working on the same thing all day long.

So we grabbed some snacks, a blanket, and went to go watch the sunset at Sunset Cliffs.

In the picture below you may be able to see a couple surfers. It was so cold! But I bet they were loving it.

We're so thankful to have such beautiful sunrises and sunsets around us. Actually the very next morning, I opened the curtains to see the most gorgeous sunrise over the golf course.

It was just what we needed to turn around a very drab day.


  1. You are right! You are in a gorgeous place. So glad you are enjoying it all and sharing it with us!

  2. So. Cal sunsets over the water are the best!
