Thursday, May 27, 2021

Bonnie is 18 months old!

Our sweet girl is 18 months old! Bonnie weighs 22.2 pounds (44th percentile) and is 33 inches tall (84th percentile). She has popped two of her upper molars which now make 10 total teeth. Her hair gets curlier by the day, with tight ringlets in the back.

She is really into playing with Fisher Price Little People right now. We have Noah's Ark full of animals and a bus that she plays with all the time. She also still loves pens. She will go into Eric's office and hold as many pens as she can find. 

At the recommendation of her pediatrician, we had her evaluated around 15 months which lead to her starting speech therapy twice a month. She has progressed so quickly her therapist has suggested we drop a session and only meet once a month. Bonnie can now repeat many words including dada, mama, dog (gog), cat, food (foo), more (muh), please (cleee), cracker (caca), bubbles, love you (wubbu), hi, out, go, ice (aye). 

She has learned to kiss (my absolute favorite thing), blow kisses, and give hugs. She can climb up and down stairs (supervised). She has been using a sippy cup since she was a year old, and gets the general idea of a spoon but is unable to effectively use it. She still sleeps with a pacifier during naps and nighttime. At 15 months we stopped using a sleep sack as the weather was warming up, and she transitioned to one nap for 2-3 hours every afternoon. 

Her personality is really coming out. She is silly and loves to joke around. For instance she will smile and point to herself calling herself dada, then Eric will say "No, I'm dada!" and they go back and forth doing that for a while. Or when I change her diaper she tries to tickle my feet to make me laugh. She is very sweet and will say 'love you' (wubbu) or give me a hug spontaneously. She is still tough and brave. She got her first bee sting and a tick within days of each other. She has skinned up her knees and fallen countless times, but she wipes off her hands and gets up like nothing happened. Or if she does cry it usually doesn't last long. All that said, she is definitely entering the stage where tantrums are starting to become a thing when she is mad about something.