Monday, May 17, 2021

Busch Gardens

This past weekend we took Bonnie to Busch Gardens for the first time. We had such a great day! And the weather couldn't of been more perfect.

Eric told me to go jump on one of the roller coasters while the lines were still short (I haven't been on one since before I was pregnant with B). I had a blast and these two had fun while they waited.

Then we took Bonnie on her first ride, Le Catapult. True to form, her face remained stoic through the whole thing. We honestly couldn't tell if she liked it or not, but I'm pretty sure she did.

She tried not to smile on the carousel but failed. 

After a picnic and a short nap in the stroller, Eric took B on a little dragon ride which she loved.

We saw the lorikeets, which was probably her favorite part (hello, animals). She squealed in excitement the whole way through.

Eric got to jump on the swings and had everyone laughing - a different pose every time around.

Then we went to the Sesame Street section where Bonnie got to go on a couple more rides before we finished out the day. She never seemed to be scared, nor overly enthusiastic about any of the rides which wasn't too surprising to us. She tends to be a bit serious and straight-faced in new situations, until we can break her out of her shell. But she is also very brave and doesn't scare easily. It's always so fun for us to watch her try new things!

We had such a fun time and can't wait to go back!