Monday, May 24, 2021

May Mash Up

This is going to be another hodge-podge post about random things we've been up to the last few weeks. As the weather has really heated up, we broke out the baby pool.

On really nice afternoons we try to eat on the deck, but sometimes the mosquitos win the war.

Tacos for Cinco de Mayo. 

We have found lots of little turtles, frogs, and lizards that Bonnie loves to see.

(A lizard is behind her in the picture below.)

Birdy's curls are loud and proud.

We have been doing lots of yardwork, as everyone else has. B enjoyed mulching the most (lots of trips in the wheelbarrow). 

We repainted our shutters black (originally green). 

We tore out one bush from the front (2 more to go). 

We visited some friends while they went camping.

We got a fence installed along the waterline in our backyard! We were dragging our feet on this one but we are SO glad we did it.

Bonnie has been enjoying her new freedom in the backyard and we are loving the peace of mind, not having to keep constant eyes on her when we are outside.

We also got our boat in the water finally! That will be another post.

B likes to spend time tinkering in the garage with Benny.

And unfortunately our community cat has not been coming around as frequently these days. Which means B now asks to see the cat on the catfood bag instead (it sits on top of the fridge and every day she points asking for us to take it down so she can cuddle or kiss it). She seems happy with the catfood bag but it looks a little sad from our end. Hopefully our cat starts coming around again soon.

I know May isn't over yet but that's all I have for now. Bonnie is officially 18 months old and has her check-up in a couple days, so I will give an update on her very soon. 


  1. These are great!! I love the fence! Bonnie is getting so big and --- on my, her curls:)!!! The shutters look fantastic! And the pool must be lots of fun. Great month of May!

  2. Oh my gosh, the catfood bag HAH!!! Time to get a pet
