Sunday, October 9, 2022

Aunts Visit

Mom's sisters came out to visit her at the end of the Summer. I hadn't seen them since we lived in California so I was thankful I could bring the kids up to meet them. We did a lot of our favorite things - relaxing in the pool, playing games, and taking a hike. The hike was the most strenuous Bonnie has done yet - 2 miles of a very rocky terrain, I was so impressed with her. There were times she wanted me to carry her, but I was already carrying Riser so we just had to power through and she did it!

It was so nice getting to visit with my Aunts, and Bonnie loved having 3 Grandma figures around. Thanks for letting us tag along!


  1. Such fun! I'm so glad you got up there to visit!

  2. Thank you so much for coming! We had such a good time and loved having Bonnie and Riser to entertain us!
