Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Surprise visit

My in-laws and I had been secretly planning their visit for months before Eric's birthday. They had their plane tickets booked and ready to go! They were going to be here from Monday (his birthday was on Tuesday) until the following Monday. Not long before the trip, Eric told us he would have to travel for work Monday through Wednesday. It was obviously a little disappointing they weren't going to get that time with Eric (and that he would be gone on his actual birthday) but they were thrilled to get some focused time with the grandkids! It was also very helpful to have them prep for his big party with me.

My biggest concern was Bonnie spilling the beans to Eric, because I knew he would want to FaceTime to see them. She has never kept a secret before. We FaceTimed a couple times and would prep her beforehand, and she did great! She never mentioned anything about her grandparents being there with us. It was a big secret to keep.

We did lots of shopping for the party - mainly Costco and Walmart. 

We took walks and played at the playground.

Waiting for a pickup order.

Until finally Eric came home Wednesday to the best surprise!

We a walk at a little trail nearby and skipped rocks.

We had lots and lots of floor time with Riser. This is the week he started rocking himself back and forth attempting to crawl.

Thursday night after the kids were in bed Alison arrived and surprised Eric a second time! Bonnie was also surprised the next morning since I wasn't able to tell her.

We did all the touristy things like walking Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown Settlement.

We took the water taxi from our neighborhood over to Blue Heron for dinner one evening.

Baga's (Grandma's) favorite part is always bath time.

Eric recently got a blackstone grill from a neighbor who was downsizing. Since then we have been having lots of meals outside, including breakfast.

Our house was in a constant state of disarray.

Sunday was their last day (they had to leave very early the next morning). After Jamestown Settlement, we had a lazy afternoon watching football then took a boat ride before dinner. 

It was a wonderful way to end a wonderful week. It was very busy and chaotic organizing everything, but it was so fulfilling and worth it! 


  1. What a great visit!! Happy 40th to Eric!

  2. What a wonderful surprise and visit! Happy 40th birthday Eric!!! Glad it was such a treat!
