Tuesday, October 11, 2022

September extras

September was a busy month for us! We had various visits from family and friends, Eric's 40th birthday, and the start-up of all our regularly scheduled Fall activities. 

We had a small group cook out to close out Summer and kick off our new season.

We have enjoyed the Farmers' market, Bonnie especially enjoys the live music.

I believe I took this one day to remember this stage of carseats filling my backseat. 

Benny took Bonnie on a daddy-daughter date.

I'm loving everything about this stage. I know I've said it before, but I just feel in this phase of life I've felt more in my element than I ever have. I'm sure it has everything to do with having the perfect baby and a toddler who is so sweet but also is becoming hilariously more silly by the day. It is wonderful. 

And they have the best daddy!

Bonnie continues to be my hiking buddy, seeing how many different types of animals she can find along our walks.

She has really been getting into her big wheel.

And has been thriving with all her 'classes' starting back up. It has been a much easier transition this Fall than it was last year.

Benny loves the blackstone (which means less cooking for me!).

I'm still wearing this little guy as much as I can.

Lots of morning snuggles.

Both the kids fell asleep on us on this particular golf cart ride.

Riser got to meet our friends' baby who was born 6 days after him. 

I get to wake up to this face every morning.

Riser has been loving exploring new foods.

Bonnie has been playing with her baby doll a lot more often. She even finally named her - Lily. 


Dad and Racheal came down for a visit.

It was a wonderful month and we are loving getting to open our windows to let that fresh Fall air in.


  1. Great pictures! I especially love the one of Eric standing up holding B asleep, hah!!

  2. These are all adorable! Such a beautiful time of life!
