Saturday, October 22, 2022

Riser is 7 months old

Our sweet guy is 7 months old! At his check up last month he was 15 pounds so we are guessing he is somewhere in the 16 pound range. He still doesn't have any teeth yet, but that hasn't stopped him from taking off in terms of eating. This boy loves to eat anything we offer him. I have to be careful not to give him a bite of something unless I'm prepared to sit down and feed him an entire meal of it (otherwise he turns into a ravenous little monster). I honestly couldn't tell you what his favorite is, he's pretty pleased with most of it at this point.

The major milestone this month is that he is crawling!! He started crawling a little over a week ago, very slow to start. Since then he has picked up major speed and will be clear across a room if you look away for a second. It is once again standard practice to wake up in the morning and lay pillows all across the brick in our family room so he doesn't smash his face on them (something we did for Bonnie for months). It can sit independently but he is still very unstable.

True to his angelic form, Riser kept his sleep regression brief for me. He is back to sleeping through the night from around 6:30 pm to 7:30 am. He typically takes 2 naps a day (shorter one in the morning and one longer one in the afternoon with his sister). He has the deepest belly laugh and absolutely loves personal attention. He is very ticklish and thinks it's hilarious when something moves close to his face, away, and back again (i.e. me pushing Bonnie on a swing while he is in the carrier, or me coming in for a kiss over and over again).