Saturday, November 12, 2022

Gymnastics open gym

About a week ago I took the kids to an open gym at the gymnastics club in our area. I wasn't sure what Bonnie would think because she can be a little skeptical and timid with new things. But when she saw what was waiting on the other side of that door, she shot into that room like she owned the place. I could hardly keep up with her. It was so much fun!

There were all kinds of bars to swing on, trampolines, things to climb, foam pits to jump/slide/rope swing into. There were balance beams and parachutes and even an inflatable slide - we could have been there all day. We will definitely be going back.

The whole time we were there Bonnie kept eyeing some of the other kids jumping off the 'high dive' into the foam pit. I could tell she wanted to do it but was scared. Finally by the end, she mustered up enough courage to make the jump! Then she continued to do it over and over again until she could hardly climb up anymore and they were kicking us out. It was a great way to spend the morning and she had a great nap that afternoon.

You can see Riser's head in the corner of the picture below. I wore him the whole time and he was just as happy to watch everything going on.


  1. I'm so glad you went!! And that it was such a positive experience!

  2. Glad you found that place. I can tell she loved it!
