Thursday, November 17, 2022

November extras

I'm posting our November extras a little early this month, as the rest of the month will mostly be Bonnie's birthday and Thanksgiving. However it has already been a full couple weeks! We had some amazing warm weather and enjoyed a lot more time outside.

Riser has followed in his big sister's footsteps, taking quite an affinity toward Notch. 

Riser loves his big sister. And recently Bonnie has been giving him more attention which has been so sweet to see.

She tried her first Reece's cup after Halloween and loved it. She also left all but one bite on the counter and forgot about it. This is very true to Bonnie's personality. We haven't had to teach her about moderation when it comes to sweets.

We went to our church's Fall festival. 

Pillows officially don't cut it anymore to keep this little guy off the brick. We have had to put the baby gate we had for Bonnie back up. He is moving so quick these days, and very much in the stage of being a hazard to himself.

He likes to hang out under the table and under the high chair.

Her personality is shining y'all. 

We had fun making big piles of leaves by the playset and sliding into them.

Like a cat, he likes to be able to keep an eye on what everyone is doing.

My laundry buddy.

We took as many walks as possible when the weather was so nice.

Someone bought the lot across the street from our house and has started clearing land to build. It's definitely sad, but has been entertainment for Bonnie to watch. The picture below was on the first day they got started (from our front porch). The next was 2 days later. 

Bonnie came home with this one day. This girl would do everything with Ben and Rosie if she could.

Speaking of, we celebrated Ben and Rosie's 5th birthday!! It was such a great day. Bonnie was so thrilled to get to spend most of the day with them. They are such a gift in our lives!

Token picture of my kid sleeping.

Riser continues to enjoy anything we offer him. He would probably eat cardboard if we let him.

Playing with the bubble maker on a particularly warm day.

We went to our neighborhood's annual chili cook-off. We got to try 17 different chilis. Bonnie even won one of the raffle prizes, a VIP wristband to the go-cart place near us!

Feeling all the feels that this girl is only going to be two years old for one more day.

Sibling snuggles.

If my eyes could physically turn into hearts, that's about where we're at these days.

Rosie gifted Bonnie one of their old princess dresses, and she would never take it off if we would allow it.

The warm weather has departed and we are now in the 40s. He couldn't move his arms but still had a smile on his face. 

Bonnie wanted to push Lilly in her stroller but her legs were "too tired" to push herself. One of my neighbors was driving by as we were walking and literally stopped to get out of the car and take a picture of us because she thought this was so funny. 

Next up, our birdy turns three! 


  1. That last picture is hilarious! CANNOT believe Bonnie will be three tomorrow...

  2. The picture on the pony is SO adorable. The last one is funny! Riser is looking so much older. Can't wait to celebrate Bonnie turning three!!!
