Monday, November 7, 2022

October extras

October was another full month for us. We have been thoroughly enjoying the mild Fall weather and beautiful leaves changing color. We have been hit with a fair amount of allergies and mild colds, but that hasn't stopped us from getting out and taking lots of walks while we still can. 

(This was a photo from August that somehow got lost in the shuffle)

Riser is in love with his big sister. She likes him pretty good too. 

Ever since Riser was born Bonnie and I have made pancakes together on the weekends. We pull all the ingredients out on the floor (so sanitary), she helps me dump everything in, mix up the batter, and she picks a different food coloring each week. 

She has been really into her baby doll, Lilly. 

Notch loves when Eric goes fishing, and always appreciates when he throws her a little bate fish.

A friend and I hosted a baby shower for two of our good friends who were due weeks apart. 

Bonnie is very proud of her independence these days. Going potty and washing her hands all by herself.

This is how Riser and I roll on our 'go-see' (golf cart) rides.

Uncle Eric came to visit! It was so fun to have some sibling time.

He amazed everyone with his piano skills.

Taking the water taxi over to dinner.

Uncle Benny enjoyed a movie night with the kiddos while we played cards.

I even got to try on his roller blades.

We pulled out all our Halloween gear.

Bonnie helped Benny make his annual scarecrow.

A cutie on the move.

B really enjoys putting her own style into her outfits.

We got to go to an open house and tour the whole fire station. 

We've been scootering and big wheelin'. 

Football Sundays have been a good opportunity for me play with the kids at home as opposed to constantly being on the go. This is a very accurate representation of what our house looks like by the end of the day.

Daddy snuggles. I've lost the thumb-sucking battle.

Bonnie and I have had fun scavenger hunting for various things outside. Lately she really likes collecting as many different color leaves as she can find. Then we put them all in the order of the rainbow.

We baked some cinnamon swirl bread.

This little guy is moving so quick these days. I was in the kitchen cooking one night and felt his little head butting up against my leg and looked down. I had to snap this picture, just knowing one day I will be looking up at his face as opposed to down to it. You better believe I'm soaking this in.

We often move her little table into the family room on Sundays so she can do some sort of craft or activity while we watch football.

Trying my tea.

We have had lots of hang outs with cousins. We got to spend almost all day with them the day we were getting a new roof. 

That's a wrap for October!