Monday, May 22, 2023

Riser's dedication and Mother's Day

Mother's Day was so special this year because we got Riser dedicated during church that morning. His dedication was extra special because we got to do it with five other women I am lucky to call great friends. Three of the other families up there are actually in our small group. All the babies dedicated happened to be boys (there was a boy baby-boom the last year) and have their own little classroom in the nursery. We are hopeful they will grow up to have just as close of friendships with each other. I literally couldn't dream up a better community for our kids to grow up in. 

After the dedication we went to Mollie's house for a very sweet brunch she hosted for family. After brunch we came back home to let the kids rest then Eric grilled for dinner. It was a lovely day.

Because there was such a large group of us, siblings couldn't be up there with us. But Bonnie sat with her cousins and watched from the front row. 

All the moms and their boys getting dedicated. I am fortunate to say these are just a handful of the incredible friends I am walking through motherhood with. I never could have imagined even wanting this many friendships in my life, but I truly couldn't do this phase of life without them. It is so much more fun doing it together.

I feel like the luckiest mom with the best family in the world.

Speaking of moms I couldn't do life without, my mom and sister make the very top of that list. 

I can't get over this boy.

Eric and Bonnie finger-painted a Mother's day card for me.

I can't get over this girl.

She was corn-obsessed last year, and is happy it is back in season.

Happy Mother's Day to our moms, our grandmothers, our sisters, our mom friends, our aunts, and all the other moms that play such an important role in our lives! We love you dearly. 


  1. Happy super special Mother’s Day! And happy dedication to Riser!

  2. Thank you! Happy Mother's Day to you! What a beautiful celebration for Riser and your family too! I love you!!!
