Monday, May 1, 2023

Texas trip - San Antonio (part 3)

On our last day with Alison's family, we packed our day full. We went to see the Alamo, the River Walk, went on one of the river boats, went to the Market Square, and had dinner at Mi Tierra - all the touristy things.

The River Walk never disappoints, it's always one of my favorite places to visit.

The next day it was time to say goodbye to the cousins. Bonnie tried to go with them.

We spent the day cleaning up, getting ourselves packed, and getting some last little bit of quality time before we had to leave early the next morning.

My snuggler.

Baga helping with bedtime.

Saying goodbye.

By the time we were leaving - this boy was officially walking! It was a big week for him.

It's always hard to say goodbye, but we left with so many wonderful memories. We are so thankful for that time together, especially for the kids forming relationships with their cousins. 

We had a long trip ahead! Two flights, a layover in St. Louis, losing an hour from the time change, and a 3.5 hour drive home. We pulled into the driveway at 9:50 PM and the kids were in bed asleep by 10:15 PM. We all slept in the following morning and were thankful to be back home. Such a great trip!


  1. It really looks like you had such a nice visit. So happy for you all!

  2. Aww that last picture of Riser sleeping is so sweet
