Wednesday, May 8, 2024

April extras

Aside from our trip to Texas, in April we enjoyed getting out in the nicer weather, gardening, birthday parties, play dates, and lots of walks! 

Riser's hair is getting much longer and the curls are really coming in strong.

Bonnie has been getting more and more into coloring and crafting.

But still loves to dig in the dirt and collect rocks and bugs.

Ever since our trip, Bonnie has been doing a lot of pretend packing and traveling.

Riser continues to be my snuggler. 

We had some hot days where we wanted to play with water, but weren't ready to bring out the water tables or baby pools. 

Little man has learned how to climb out of the tub which makes bath time extra fun.

All the creepy crawlies are out this time of year.

Can't go a month without a fishing picture of course.

We celebrated a sweet friend turning 6.

Bonnie and Riser made their own little house.

We got gravel delivered for the driveway. The kids loved watching, and the driver let them sit in his truck. 

A neighbor helped level out the rock and Riser was fixated the entire time. He couldn't stop watching. 

More walks/playdates with friends!

It was a fun-filled month! I can already feel things shifting into summer mode.