Sunday, May 19, 2024


The guys in our small group all decided to take the older kids (4ish and up) on a camping trip. Bonnie has been asking to go camping for a while and all the kids were so excited! They played games, skipped rocks, went fishing, climbed trees, made s'mores, went on night exploration walks, and had the best time. The guys said all the kids did so well. They got to stay up wayyy past their normal bedtimes and loved every minute of it. The guys are hoping to make this a much more regular thing. Bonnie also happened to be the only girl and didn't care at all - she had a blast!

What a fun bonding experience for them! And it was fun for Riser and I to have some one-on-one time together too!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome. Same campground we always stay in!!!
