Tuesday, May 28, 2024


This Spring was Bonnie's first time playing soccer, and it seems like she liked it! They would meet for an hour on Saturday mornings, the first 30 minutes was practice and the last 30 minutes was a game. She is super fast and seemed to do really well when she tried during practice, but by the time the game portion would roll around she seemed to be tired and lose all motivation. She was basically kicking rocks out there. 

On her very last game, she was determined to score her first goal, and she turned into a beast! She stole the ball from anyone who got ahold of it (regardless of which team they were on) and successfully got a goal. It was fun to watch her try something new and she says she wants to do it again.

We also got to watch the cousins' lacrosse games after practice one day which was so fun! The kids loved getting the extra time with them - I hope this can happen more in the future!

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