Tuesday, January 9, 2024


This felt like the first year Bonnie had a good sense of what was going on with Christmas. Riser was just along for the ride as usual.

She was very excited to see that Santa came!

Wish I got a better picture of all of us - but at least you can see the matching pjs!

We opened stockings and started getting breakfast going.

Breakfast tacos and cinnamon rolls - traditions from each side of the family.

I think Riser enjoyed handing out gifts even more than opening them.

(It's a waterproof tacklebox, in case you were wondering)

We finished up opening gifts and then went outside for some Christmas fishing. The weather was beautiful.

Bonnie helped Baga make a cake. 

The rest of the day was really just hanging at home and playing with new toys. Eric's mom also made a delicious turkey dinner for us!

The next day we went to the Jamestown Glasshouse (Betty's favorite).

And we also went BACK to Christmastown to finally ride the train! All thanks to Katie and her family's guest passes - thank you!! We had much better luck this time.

On their last day we went by the library but spent most of the day laying low at home and playing with playdough. 

They took off that evening after dinner, and we got ourselves loaded in the car to head up to mom's. We got there well past the kids' bedtime but it was so nice to just be there and be able to celebrate our Christmas with them the following morning. 

It was such a wonderful morning, and there were some real winners for everyone in the game category - laser tag, hockey sticks, mystery games, puzzles. 

Eleanor and Jane gave the sweetest gift to Bonnie - a handmade box filled with some of their jewelry that they wanted to pass along to their little cousin.

Another successful Christmas!

The rest of the day was spent playing all the fun games outside - laser tag, hockey, sardines.

I think Benny may have enjoyed laser tag even more than the kids.

Everyone loves Grandma.

Rosie and Bonnie were pretty inseparable. When Bonnie had to go take a rest time, Rosie wanted to lay right outside her door so she would know right when Bonnie got up.

Mom's beautiful table setting (the napkins were folded like Christmas trees). 

Bonnie got a dress up kit that was well-loved.

We had a delicious dinner of prime rib compliments of Dave! 

The next day we played Christmas bingo, which was so fun! There were so many fun prizes to choose from.

Everyone could keep playing even after they won to earn more prizes, but the minute Bonnie picked out her paint set, she was all done with bingo. She had no interest in anything other than being able to paint (something she is never able to do because her brother is usually around and can't be trusted).

I won't lie, it made my heart pretty happy to see how interested and excited she was about it.

Mom crocheted the sweetest little whale for Riser and doll dress for Bonnie - incredible!

Everyone coming in from outside devouring the charcuterie board before dinner.

Katie baked all the pieces to put together a gingerbread house. Everyone wanted to have a hand in it. I can envision in the future as kids get older, this being a fun competitive activity.

And it wouldn't be a family gathering without games. 

We had such a wonderful Christmas and have so much to be thankful for. Merry Christmas!

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