Thursday, December 9, 2021

24 weeks with baby #2

Feeling well at 24 weeks! I passed my glucose test on Monday so that was good news. I had just barely failed the first one with Bonnie so I was relieved I wouldn't have to retake the 3 hour test. I'm up 8-9 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight so far. They didn't give me the heartrate this time but we heard it on the doppler and was told it sounds great. This is one active little baby, more active than I remember Bonnie being. 

I feel like time is now moving so quickly with the craziness of Bonnie's birthday/the holidays. Physically I am feeling well. I have a lot of the same rib pain that I had with my first pregnancy but only towards the end of the day. I had a cold that seemed like it lasted weeks and am finally feeling better from that. However in the last couple weeks I have started getting a consistent headache every morning the goes away by the afternoon. I am trying to drink more water and am hoping they taper off soon. 

The baby's room is currently being used as Santa's workshop, but we will get back to working on it once the new year arrives!


  1. Yay for baby #2! And Santa's workshop!

  2. Looking good! Glad you are both healthy and hope those headaches are gone!
