Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Christmas Activities

It's been a fun-filled advent season so far! We went to visit Santa earlier in the month. Bonnie, of course, refused to sit on Santa's lap so we had to jump in the picture with her. It didn't turn out the best but we tried. 

Birdy was thrilled to get a candy cane out of it. 

Our neighborhood also had it's annual golf cart parade. This year Katie's family was able to come! We had soup for dinner then went to go see the parade of lights. 

Even Santa showed up on a boat!

I wish I could share more photos of the actual parade, but they all turned out fuzzy like the one below.

We put up decorations and hung ornaments on the tree. And we've listened to Christmas music nonstop. 

We've baked a couple different kinds of Christmas cookies, a stretch for me as I'm not a baker. But B absolutely loves it (and Benny does too).

Thankfully I was much more prepared this year with rolling pins, cookie cutters, and powdered sugar to make icing! However, I did realize we had no Christmas colored sprinkles, so we had to make do with our red, white, and blue ones. Still a big step up from last year.

We went to a neighbor's annual white elephant party.

We got to take pictures in some really sweet and meaningful outfits my aunt Holly sent me and Bonnie.

We went to our church's live nativity and concert, which really brought the Christmas story to life. 

Tonight we drove around looking at Christmas lights with hot chocolate and cookies for the ride. 

We also visited Christmas Town at Busch Gardens last week which I'll do a separate post about. This week are just enjoying some down time at home together and preparing for the big day!


  1. I love this! Love the outfits, the cookies look amazing! Great job!

  2. Nice outfits from Aunt Holly! Perfect size coat for Bonnie:) Your cookie look fantastic. Quite the Christmas lights near you!
