Thursday, December 30, 2021


On Christmas Eve we took a walk in Colonial Williamsburg to see the decorations and enjoy the beautiful weather we have been having. I made sure to get most of our Christmas prep done earlier in the week so we would be able to have a slow family day on Christmas Eve.

We normally would walk CW with Katie and her family, but sadly found out that one of them got the virus and they would have to quarantine over the holiday. However, we did run into them while we were out! 

We also found a little spot next to the ice rink where they dumped all their shaved ice. Bonnie loved getting to play in the snow. 

We went home for naps and then went to the Christmas Eve service at church.

That night Birdy put out some cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.

She couldn't of cared less about Santa eating the cookies but could not wait to find out if the reindeer ate her carrots.

Benny read the Night Before Christmas, a family tradition passed down in our family.

On Christmas morning the first thing out of Bonnie's mouth was 'Reindeer, carrots?!'

She got a play kitchen this year and immediately was ready to play.

Benny got started on the breakfast burritos, a family tradition passed down from his side of the family. 

We opened our stockings as we ate breakfast, and we could have just stopped there. Bonnie's day was already made.

She is lucky she has lots of sweet family members that like to spoil her (and us).

That afternoon we drove up to mom's house and got there in time for a beautiful Christmas dinner.

The next morning we did our gift exchange with Mom, Dave and Eric.

It was such a cozy morning next to the fire, and we were very excited to have some cinnamon rolls since we couldn't get them for our own Christmas morning.

Mom got her annual family ornament.

We opened gifts and just enjoyed the slowness of the morning together! We sure did miss the Stratton crew though.

Afterwards we went on a nice 3 mile walk, the weather was still gorgeous.

We came back for lunch and to get Bonnie down for a nap, then it was game time.

B got so much one-on-one snuggle time with Grandma.

We got a group shot and then it was time for Eric to head home to Duncan. The rest of us enjoyed a delicious charcuterie board that mom put together. 

That night we played pool, Bingo, and Quirkle. Bingo was a fun addition - I won some cute Christmas dish towels and Benny won me some candy. I'm a lucky lady.

Maggie found a new friend in Benny.

The next morning it was time for us to pack up and head home. Mom entertained Bonnie with some backgammon. She had the time of her life rolling those dice and 'moving her pieces'.

It was a wonderful Merry Christmas. We obviously wish we could have all been together but I'm so thankful we are close enough that we get plenty of opportunities to see each other. We are blessed beyond belief. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  1. I love how Bonnie was so excited about feeding the reindeer! I loved all the time cuddling, games, Christmas festivities. We missed K&C, E,J,B&R...
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Such a sweet Christmas 😊
