Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Bonnie is TWO!

Our Bonnie blue eyes is a TWO year old! 

She officially had to wear a mask for the first time for her 2 year check-up, which she actually did pretty well at.

Bonnie is 34 inches tall (62nd percentile) and 23 pounds (7th percentile). She has 16 teeth, just waiting on her 2 year molars. Her light brown hair still has the bounciest curls. 

She is still taking one afternoon nap between 1.5-3 hours a day and sleeping 12 hours a night between 7-7:30 pm - 7-7:30 am. She is very attached to her bunny lovey that she sleeps with, and still has her pacifier at night (both items she only uses for sleep). Her pacifier has multiple holes in it and no longer functions, so we will likely be taking it away in the near future. She is also showing some signs she is ready to potty train, but we haven't attempted it yet.

Bonnie loves to play pretend, whether with her baby doll or her doctor kit. She loves to put her stethoscope around her neck and call herself Doctor Bonnie. She loves watching me cook and is always trying to push a chair over near me so she can see what I'm doing. She still loves animals and is thrilled our cat 'kiki' has been coming back around. She absolutely hated her carseat up until this past summer. Once we started playing VBS music in the car, that changed almost instantly and she hasn't had many issues since. 

Bonnie's speech has developed leaps and bounds in the last 6 months. She is putting 3-6 word sentences together daily. Her vocabulary has exploded and she can repeat just about anything we ask her to. She understands most of what we tell her or ask her to do. We are working on more abstract words like emotions, understanding what it means to be happy or sad. She is much better at using a spoon and fork. She knows all her colors and is able to count to 10 with ease. 

For the last 3 months, she has been going to the childcare at church 2-4 times a week for Sunday worship, a bible study, our small group meetings, and a mom's group I'm in. She started out having a very hard time with it, having to be torn from my arms in tears. She has come such a long way and is now walking into the room herself with minimal struggle.

She seems to be pretty dependent at this stage, still wanting to be held or carried often and pretty resistant to situations where Mom or Dad are not nearby. We are obviously working on this as it will be much more difficult when the new baby comes around. She also seems to be somewhat shy when she is around her peers (with the exception of her cousins). It takes her a while to warm up to other kids/people and often feels safest staying near one of the adults in charge. She is still very tough when she gets hurt, she is able to get up and 'brush it off' quickly. However, we have noticed a lot more recently that if someone other than Benny or I are around to witness it, she is easily embarrassed which in turn will make her cry. She is very silly and playful, we are really enjoying this stage!

She sure are in love with this girl and are loving seeing more of her personality shine!


  1. That grin in the first picture! :) She is such a gift!

  2. Love this sweet girl! She is so joyful!
